No one has all the answers. However, we can share and give advice based on all of the experiences we have had throughout our 20 years in this business. Here are the top three things I’ve learned: 


1) Buy Low, Sell High.

One of the most important lessons I have learned over the years is to always buy low and sell high. This shouldn’t be a new concept to anyone in this business, but it is something that should always be considered, particularly when you’re contemplating an exit. We’ve seen firsthand what it takes to build a company, and we know that walking away from something you’ve spent so much time and energy building is extremely difficult. All I can say to this, again, is “buy low, sell high.” When you’re there, you’ll know. Trust your gut. On the flip side, when it comes to buying and/or making investments, be patient and take a long-term approach. There’s a right time to buy, and there’s a wrong time to buy.


2) Invest In Quality People; Don’t Take Shortcuts Because It Will Cost You More Over Time And Impede Your Growth. 

The old adage is true: You get what you pay for. Quality does not have to be directly related to specific experiences; however, it must be directly related to ability, skill set, and knowledge.


3) To Always Deliver On Our #1 Job, Which Is To Serve Our Clients.

In the 20 years since founding Westlake, our mantra has always been to serve our clients. That probably sounds obvious, but in investment banking, just like in similar fields, there are typically many different paths and approaches you can take to deliver for a client. What can confuse people or “muddy the water,” so to speak, is when individual agendas come into play and/or when some paths are more beneficial to take for certain individuals than to improve the outcome for our clients and/or their companies. When we partner with our clients, this mantra is our guiding light. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it’s also one of the key reasons we get so many referrals in this business. Our clients know that they can trust us and that we have their best interests at heart.

If you have interest in talking about any of these or if you’d like to set up time to discuss a possible future transaction, feel free to reach out.